
Opt Out

Our Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy have explained the full details about our business, our Platform, our Services, and describe how we obtain and index publicly available information, and how we process data of our users and customers.

If you still wish to have your Profile, including your user account, your Business Company Profile, and your Business People Profile removed from our Platform, please complete the form below or email us at [email protected]. We will respond to your request and notify you of the result within 7 working days

You need to confirm that you are the person who is requesting the opt-out of the Business Profile and Business People Profile from our database, or you are a person authorized to do so on their behalf.

You understand that we will use the information in this form(email address) to process your request and maintain your email on our Opt-Out list.

You understand that your information has been obtained from public sources and that although we may remove the data from our search results and database, we have no control over the existence of that content on the source website. Also, the link that was indexed by Google might need a few days to weeks to completely be removed and it is not under our control.

You accept and understand that we will use the information provided in this form in line with our Privacy Policy in order to respond to or notify you, and to perform the action regarding your profile removal request.

You understand that we might not add your data back to our database or provide any of our services to you even if you have requested to.

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